“Rest is a liberation practice” - ThE NAP MINISTRY
Rest requires community. When my rest is reciprocally bound to yours, and yours to mine, we are accountable to protecting the dreamspace where vibrant futures are imagined.
Beyond a warm sense of mutual care, protecting rest uncovers the makings of movement work on a neural level. When our brain is in wakeful rest, the areas attributed to goal-mapping (prefrontal cortex) and collective consciousness (angular gyrus) are active as part of our Default Mode Network, what folx call daydreaming.
Strides of the labor movement like the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA) have historically excluded agricultural and domestic workers out of political passibility, leaving many women and folx of color without protections and without access to the dreamspace.
Rest requires community. A community who values rest for all, who designs systems that account for rest, who holds corporations accountable to live-able wages & conditions, and who votes & mobilizes to challenge oppressive labor systems, especially those reliant on incarcerated and undocumented people.
I hope you find rest today 🌱
#NapMinistry #Rest #RestWakesUsUp #DesignJusticeNetwork #LaborDay
Beyond a warm sense of mutual care, protecting rest uncovers the makings of movement work on a neural level. When our brain is in wakeful rest, the areas attributed to goal-mapping (prefrontal cortex) and collective consciousness (angular gyrus) are active as part of our Default Mode Network, what folx call daydreaming.
Strides of the labor movement like the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA) have historically excluded agricultural and domestic workers out of political passibility, leaving many women and folx of color without protections and without access to the dreamspace.
Rest requires community. A community who values rest for all, who designs systems that account for rest, who holds corporations accountable to live-able wages & conditions, and who votes & mobilizes to challenge oppressive labor systems, especially those reliant on incarcerated and undocumented people.
I hope you find rest today 🌱
#NapMinistry #Rest #RestWakesUsUp #DesignJusticeNetwork #LaborDay